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Joy in the Journey has a New Home!

Hey all, it's Emily!

The past few years I've spent writing on this site, both with others and by myself has been some of the most enjoyable days. I've cultivated conversations and found a renewed passion for a hobby I lost touch with through high school and college. Thank you for jumping on to this site to read what I have to say consistently, even when my posting schedule is not as consistent.

Merging my personal and professional sites together has long been in the works, a process only exacerbated by my first failed attempt at using a WordPress blog in junior high. Collaborating on a slick, new WordPress website at work, combined with some communications confidence and the maturing of my web design skills, finally pushed me over the edge to give the platform another chance. For years I tried to keep “tabs” (bad website pun) on a portfolio website and a blog, but instead I was left feeling like my fourth-grade teacher Mrs. Jensen trying to keep our class under control on a field trip to the zoo. I’ve since recognized that there has been quite a bit of crossover between the audiences on my professional and personal sites, so a joint effort seemed fitting. Starting today, Joy in the Journey + Co. will have a new home at!

What can you expect if you’re a regular reader of Joy in the Journey + Co.? Generally, you’ll only see minor changes like a new web address and a refreshed look. Some new features on the blog tab like a category drop-down and a search bar results in a more responsive experience for you. Yay! I’m also excited to start writing about more career-oriented topics from time to time. If resume tips or “spilling the tea” on hot topics in communications isn’t your thing, don’t worry- there will still be plenty of my usual content to pass around! As a special surprise and a “thank you” for checking out my new home, I’m giving early-bird access to my newest blog post. All you have to do is click here!

Again, the new site is I'll still be leaving this website live, so you can come back and read your favorite post here at any time. Feel free to poke around the new site and get to know her. Welcome home!


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